Areas We Serve with a Mobile Billboard Truck

As a business owner, we recognize the importance of spreading your message to attract potential customers to come into your business. Whether you are having a sale or promoting a new location your company is expanding to, you can benefit from having a mobile billboard truck feature your business. Whether you want to promote a new product, sale, event, concert, new website, public announcement, or another event, you can use a mobile billboard truck to reach your target audience. Here at ECM, we believe in helping business owners like yourself attract more customers and clients, so we provide a unique way of advertising that you are not accustomed to. By driving a mobile billboard truck around town or parking it in high-traffic areas, your advertisement will be seen by countless people.

Our mobile billboard trucks have a variety of features that will make your advertisement stand out from all the rest. Some of these features include lighting and sound systems that will attract crowds. Our drivers can even pass out samples from your business when parked to let potential customers sample your products. We also are flexible when it comes to the hours you want your advertisement to be seen. Our trucks can be on the road at any time, day or night.

Listed below are the states and cities where our mobile billboard trucks can promote your business.





  • Phoenix


  • Boise

If your business is located in any of these areas or you are expanding your business to the areas listed above, you can reach out to the team at ECM for a custom mobile billboard truck to feature your advertisement. We can even coordinate a campaign in multiple states or cities for your business. We look forward to working with your company and providing you with detailed results of your campaign with us. Reach out to the team at ECM by dialing (253) 350-0804 and begin working on a campaign for our mobile billboard trucks to spread your message.